Friday 14 June 2013

Village Gala

I am a bit behind on my posts & have lots to catch up on!  I hope that you are well?

A couple of weekends back our village had a gala, which was lovely.  On the Sunday morning the view from Freya's bedroom was getting the girls excited as everything was being set up:

This isn't the greatest picture but the colourful bouncy castles were in the line of sight, leading to very hyper children!!!

When we walked around to the field where the gala was being held there were a few things that were of interest - for Freya & Abby these were the bouncy castles, the ice-cream van & the swinging merry-go-round; for us it was the Hog Roast & the birds of prey on display that caught our eye.

There was a brass band set up in the middle of the field to provide some entertainment:

 Despite arriving only a couple of hours after the gala started (it was on 11am-4pm) the Hog Roast stand had run out (?!?!?!) so we weren't able to treat ourselves to that!  Birds of Prey it was then!

Look at these fabulous birds:

 There were about 15-20 different types of bird, thankfully all tied to their perches or I would have been running for my life (I am MAJORLY scared of birds!).  From a distance though they were fascinating.

This owl was HUGE & he spent most of the time on this handler's arm - he must have the strength of an ox to be able to hold it up for so long!

Hubby & I also found it amusing that the handler had a remarkable likeness (both in looks & the way he spoke) to Bill Oddy.

There was a Kookaburra, which we'd never seen before:

A couple of the birds were getting a bit fidgety & needed to stretch their wings:

This stunning creature was my favourite though:

Beautiful, no?  It reminded me of the film Labyrinth!

Of course we weren't able to spend too much time looking at the birds as we had 2 very eager girls tugging at our arms & begging to go on the bouncy castles/archery/swing/get an ice-cream.  We had a lovely time, although we were a little bit disappointed that there wasn't a bit more to do - I suppose we had been to the Donkey Derby the weekend before so compared to that this was very tiny!!  Overall though we had 2 happy little girls, & that's the main thing!!!


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