Domestic Doris
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Time Flies
Most importantly, on the family front, we have a new addition - our son, Jack was born in May & has made the perfect final piece to our family puzzle. Abby is starting school next week (how did that happen?!) & I am looking forward to spending a bit of time not feeling like my attention is being pulled in so many different directions!
On a domestic note, I am still struggling with doing everything that I would like to/need to do. As always, I hope that the new school year will give me the extra motivation & opportunity to try & get into more of a routine so that I can feel like this house (that we have lived in for nearly 3 years) actually feels like a home as it doesn't at the moment.
Craft-wise, I have made so many things & have even added to my "skills" by taking up sewing. I started a patchwork & quilting course over a year ago & have loved every minute. I am really proud of the things I have made & I would like to update my blog with the things I have accomplished, really for my own record so that I can look back & remember what I have achieved. I find myself flitting between sewing, crochet & knitting (depending on my mood).
One of my many to-do tasks is to catalogue my makes on here & I will try to get this done over the next few weeks as we settle back in to a school routine & I get a bit more time to myself.
Until then!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Custom-Made Bed Blanket
A few months back I was sitting in a doctor's waiting room with my crochet to pass the time. I quite often take a project with me when I know I am going to be waiting around for a while. On this particular day a couple of ladies came in & started talking to me about what I was making (a still unfinished blanket) & just generally chatting. One of the ladies asked me how much I would charge to make her a blanket to cover her double bed as she'd always wanted one. I didn't really know what to say as I'd never made anything that hasn't been a gift. I was really keen to make a blanket for her though & really wanted to give myself the challenge of being able to "design" a blanket without a specific pattern, so we agreed a price & the work began a couple of weeks later.
I had been asked to do a blanket with lilac, cream & pink & to include butterflies in it, so I immediately consulted with Ravelry. I already knew that I wanted to make a blanket from lots of squares & I found quite a few free patterns that I used:
Butterfly crochet dishcloth
Purple Azure Butterfly - this one was my favourite & I did 4 of them in 2 different colourways but they did take HOURS to do.
The other squares were a combination of plain trebles, granny squares, cable stitch squares etc. I also wanted to add a couple of flower squares so I used one pattern from The Art of Crochet magazine & another one from Ravelry:
When it came to the centre, I had been asked to do a large butterfly in the middle. My original plan was to embroider one on the front but my sewing skills aren't all that so I once again consulted the www. I wasn't really sure exactly what I was looking for but came across this wonderful butterfly that was crocheted around wire to make a wall plaque. I used the pattern & amended it to fit my needs.
The whole blanket took me a few months - longer than I had originally intended but I (& more importantly the recipient) was very pleased with the way it turned out. I don't think I'll take on such a huge project again for a while - if I do I would have to charge at least double what I charged for this one due to the time it took - about 150 hours, I counted! I did enjoy taking on this challenge though & now have an order for a baby blanket as well, which is much more manageable!
Monday, 14 October 2013

We made our way through to the "Hub", which was where we could get our programmes & were greeted by the wonderful sight of this amazing bunting.
There was also the most fantastic knitted picnic set out for everyone to look at.
In addition to that was a display of tea cosies, which had been entered into the tea cosy competition.
So, it was time to start looking around!!! It was soooo busy. There were back-to-back people everywhere & it was difficult to get into some of the stalls but it was lovely to look around, getting inspiration from the yarns & displays that were there. Everyone was in such good spirits & it felt great to feel like a part of some massive community with a common interest. There were some really cute alpacas to look at/stroke, as well as some fluffy angora rabbits. I wonder how they felt being on display all day in such a busy, noisy place?!
Check out the tufty ears on this one!
I then HAD to make my way to the Knit & Natter lounge in the centre of the room. Now, I can't lie, I am a little bit in love with Attic24's Lucy & this was where she had taken up residence for the weekend. I had to meet her, say Hello & that I love her blog. I know I'm not the only one who loves her & there was a queue of people waiting to talk to her. She was so lovely though & she took the time to speak to everyone - I bet her voice was failing her by the end of the weekend! She'd also brought along her blankets, cushions, wreaths etc that seemed so familiar as she's blogged about them all. Wow!

I had also been hoping to make it to Lucy's Open Studio (does this all give you the impression that I'm a bit of a stalker? I'm not, honest!) but I didn't get there in time. I did have a little wander around Skipton town though - definitely somewhere to take the family for a look methinks. On the way back I decided to have a cappuccino in Coopers cafe & sat outside enjoying the weather & a bit of people-watching.

The minibus was due to leave about 5.15pm so I made my way back, taking the opportunity to take a photo of the beautiful landscape.

The bus journey home was as civilised as it was on the way - Rebecca brought out Pimms & lemonade as well as crispy snacks & olives which, combined with a bit of crochet on the way home made for a fantastic way to round off a perfect day.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Neglected Space
I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted on this blog. It's true that life really does get in the way sometimes.
The Summer break seems like a lifetime away, despite only being a few weeks. Honestly, I can't remember what we even did! Unfortunately I can remember being rushed into hospital by ambulance & then into theatre due to a miscarriage & the couple of weeks that followed when I was so poorly that I had to rely on Hubby to do literally EVERYTHING. We are all absolutely fine now though & we're settling into life with a child at school full-time. How did that happen?!!!
I've been really trying to get into a more organised state-of-mind when it comes to domestic matters & so far I'm pleased with my progress. I have also been very mindful about taking time for myself & doing things that make me happy, which has included a lot of crochet & nattering with the lovely ladies at Knit & Natter. I've got a couple of posts coming up of the woolly variety but in the meantime I wanted to check in with my very neglected internet space.
I hope that life is treating you well?
Thursday, 20 June 2013
The Living Room Snuggle Blanket
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
The Art of Crochet - the Finished Blanket!
I know that over the years it has cost me a lot of money but I have really enjoyed every minute & have got a pretty impressive library of patterns to start working my way through!!! It was the blanket that actually made me want to get this series - I don't really know whether it was the colours or the pattern but I just HAD to have it!!!
Here is the finished product:
I am so proud of it! I love the fact that it gets used everyday by the girls, whether it's to snuggle up in on the sofa or as the roof of an indoor tent - it's holding up pretty well!
Here is a close up of the middle of the blanket:
I have a few favourites when it comes to the individual squares. I really like the multi-coloured stripy ones that surround the middle squares (above). I also really like the purple spotted ones:
and finally I think that the cream ones with the colourful holes in are also quite cool!
Colourful loveliness!
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Dining Room Reveal
As a reminder, here's what the room looked like before: